ECG Technician - STATEWIDE (Category No. 259/2022 ) in Government Homoepathic Medical Colleges
P/L No: 63/2024/ER(OSM) dated:05-08-2024 ECG Technician - STATEWIDE (Category No. 259/2022 ) in Government Homoepathic Medical Colleges
P/L No: 63/2024/ER(OSM) dated:05-08-2024 ECG Technician - STATEWIDE (Category No. 259/2022 ) in Government Homoepathic Medical Colleges
Short List No.196/2024/OLE II dated, 05/08/2024 for the post of Assistant Professor in Panchakarma - STATEWIDE (Category No. 566/2023 ) in Ayurveda Medical Education Department
EL.No. : 12/2024/ERIIA dated 31/07/2024 - SUB INSPECTOR OF POLICE(TRAINEE)-KCP-FROM GRADUATE MINISTERIAL STAFF OF POLICE - STATEWIDE in Police (Kerala Civil Police) (Cat. No. : 573/2023)
EL.No. : 17/2024/ERXVI DTD : 31/07/2024 Cat.No. : 544/2023 Excise Inspector(Trainee) 1st NCA-SC - Excise Department
EL.No. : 16/2024/ER VI DTD : 31/07/2024 Cat.No. : 528/2022 Marketing Organizer-Part II(Society Category) - Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited
Eligibility List No. 11/2024/ERVII dated, 31.07.2024 for the post of Armed Police Sub Inspector (Trainee)- Constabulary [From among the Graduate Head Constables, Police Constables and officers of corresponding rank in Police or Vigilance Department] - STATEWIDE in Police(Armed Police Battalion) - Cat. No. 576/2023