Clinical Psychologist - Health Services
QUESTION CODE : 43/2022/OL Clinical Psychologist - Health Services DATE OF TEST: 13-07-2022 DATE OF UPLOAD : 13.07.2022
"N.B: Complaints regarding Answer Key in respect of Online Examinations should be submitted online only through the OTR Profile of Candidates, within a period of 5 days from the date of publication of Provisional Answer Key(Both days included)".
QUESTION CODE : 43/2022/OL Clinical Psychologist - Health Services DATE OF TEST: 13-07-2022 DATE OF UPLOAD : 13.07.2022
QUESTION CODE : 42/2022/OL Computer Grade II - Printing DATE OF TEST: 12-07-2022 DATE OF UPLOAD : 12.07.2022
QUESTION CODE : 40/2022/OL Modeller - Medical Education DATE OF TEST: 08-07-2022 DATE OF UPLOAD : 08.07.2022
QUESTION CODE : 39/2022/OL Assistant Executive Engineer - Apex Societies of Co operative Sector in Kerala DATE OF TEST: 07-07-2022 DATE OF UPLOAD : 07.07.2022
QUESTION CODE : 38/2022/OL Project Officer - Apex Societies of Co operative Sector in Kerala DATE OF TEST: 06-07-2022 DATE OF UPLOAD :06.07.2022
QUESTION CODE : 36/2022/OL Deputy General Manager - Kerala State Coopertaive Bank Ltd DATE OF TEST: 05-07-2022 DATE OF UPLOAD :06.07.2022